Spring Bouquet Quilling Card
This intricate Spring Bouquet greeting card is also a stunning work of art that can be cherished, framed, and displayed forever! This beautifully handcrafted bouquet is sure to cheer up the receiver. The vibrant quilled flowers of pink, purple and yellow are a wonderful way for you to show your appreciation to a friend. Absolutely nothing beats a bouquet that is sure to last.Â
One of the passionate team of 300+ artisans in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam meticulously handcrafts each design. Giving the gift of a Quilling Card is sharing a beautiful lost art form, possibly dating back to ancient Egypt. It is thought the origin and name of this art comes from coiling paper around birds’ feathers, or quills.
This fair trade company provides a community of talented women the opportunity to sustain a living wage, safety in their work environment, and healthcare for themselves while loving their craft and the outlet of creativity.
Blank inside. Envelope included. Extra postage required.
Dimensions:Â 6″ x 6″